Kakeru Ryuuen

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    01/01/1970 (0 yaşında)

Kakeru Ryuuen


__Height:__ 173 cm (5'8")

Kakeru Ryuuen is the class representative of class 1-C and is known for being an infamous delinquent. He does not lead his class by trust, but rather by fear. He has a group of henchmen who do his dirty work, which contributes to his fearsome reputation.

~!In Volume 7, Kakeru had his gang take Kei Karuizawa to the roof to lure out X, which was revealed to be Ayanokoji. In the resultant fight, Ryuuen along with Ishizaki, Ibuki and Albert are defeated single-handedly by Ayanokoji, which prompts Ryuuen to accept his defeat and prefer to drop out of school. Ayanokoji later informs Ibuki, Ishizaki and Albert about his decision to drop out, who then share his blame and try to convince him to not drop out, which he accepts but steps down as the leader of his class.!~

~!During the Final Special Exam of Year 1, he steps out of retirement, to lead his class to victory against Ichinose and her class, being motivated to someday take revenge on Ayanokoji when he reaches the latter's level.!~


  • Classroom of the Elite
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